Blaze here, thanks for visiting our site!
We are here to help you enjoy your smoking experience!
Hi I'm Ashley, Blaze is right, we keep your mouth clean and soot free!
Easy to use
Simply Squeez
the shaft of the Ash Hole

Into the mouth piece opening
Forms an air tight

Inner core screen keeps the ash & resin out of your mouth

FDA Approved Food Grade Material

Adds no odor or taste

Durable & long lasting

Easily removed & replaced

Easy to clean and reuse
Watch Video
How to Clean Your Ash Hole
(Stuff your mother didn't teach you)
Ok, so just like your pipe, the ash hole screen is going to get clogged up with all the stuff it is keeping out of your mouth. This is actually a good thing!
Luckily it is very easy to remove the ash hole screen and clean it.
A clean ash hole should not restrict the airflow of your pipe. Once it gets dirty, it will start to become more difficult to draw air through. This is a good indication it is time to clean your ash hole.
The ash hole is made from silicone so resin does not stick to it. Simply pop the ash hole out of your pipe and wipe it clean with a piece of paper toweling. You do not need chemicals to clean your ash hole.
Of course we give you 2 screens in a package, so you can easily replace one if it gets clogged up and you don't feel like cleaning it right away.
Even if you let it dry, simply wipe it clean with
paper toweling, it's that easy!
If you need more details, you can alway sit back and watch the video below. I think it was brought to you by No budget productions, and is just crammed full of bad video editing....
If we ever make money with this, we will hire someone to do our next video...we promise!